December 28, 2024
If all goes according to plan, I will retire from the practice of law on December 31st. Almost certainly, all will NOT go according to plan, since I still have a few loose ends to be tied up on four cases but, for all intents and purposes, I will no longer be a lawyer much longer.
And that, gentle reader, means that I will bid this blog adieu. I initially started it on the advice of my publicity people who, when I — at no small cost — chose to begin a fairly comprehensive on-line advertising campaign to replace the television-spots-and-phone-book-ads which had been my advertising staple for 20 years, suggested that a daily update to the site would assist with the Google analytics and draw more traffic to the site. Thus the high-quality fascinating tidbits and insightful comments that you came to expect when you pointed your browser here.
I don’t need to draw more traffic to this site.
In fact, I don’t need this site, and when the annual rent (of whatever it is — $75, maybe?) comes due to preserve my hold on this domain name, I’ll probably pass.
All of which is a roundabout way of saying that, despite the fact that I have not been particularly regular with the posts over the past few days, you can look forward to three more posts before the light goes off.
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.